Tuesday, 5 October 2010


This Exchange Project of students consists on 3 parts:

A) Extra sessions of introduction to Italian language and culture in Pau Vila.,
B) Visiting the Veneto area working on a specific dossier, participating in Italian school life, living in Italian families with young partners, under teacher's control.
C) Receiving the Italian students at school and having them in your family, at your home.

The order of the visits has not been established yet. We will keep you informed.

Please write any questions you may have !!

Are you interested ?

For organization purposes, we need to know how many families are interested in our project. We need to know the number of boys and girls who are willing to ( "tenen ganes de" ) participate in the 3 parts of this international exchange - extra lessons, having an Italian student at home and travelling to Italy. We have to work with Scuola C. Casteller in Treviso the organization of everything.

From our previous experiences, not all the students can in the end participate, because of numbers. So, in this case we will take into account their English level, their school level in general, their attitude in class with their classmates and teachers and, of course, their motivation.

Are you interested ? Send us an email to this address: