Thursday, 23 December 2010

Remember !!

Hi Comenius participants,
First of all, congratulations because you have been chosen to take part in the Bilateral Exchange  Project. As we explained in our first meeting, this project has got 3 different parts: extra lessons and pedagogical tasks, visit to Italy and receiving the Italian students. Well, it's time to get started !! The first thing you have to do is to write a personal profile ( PPT ), containing the following items:
A) - Introduction ( name, age, city... )
     - Physical description ( hair, eyes, tall/short... )
     - Personality ( cheerful, kind, friendly, serious, responsible, shy, self-confident...)
     - Hobbies ( sport, music, reading, movies, actors, singer... )
     - Family
     - House/ room
B) Languages: English and Spanish
C) Include some pictures or images
D) Length: 4/5 slides/pages
Don't forget that you have to hand in your PPT on 13th January, in our first extra lesson.
On the other hand, remember that we need a photocopy of your Passport in January as well. 
Finally, bear in mind that  the first payment is coming after Christmas, so if the Three Wise Men give you money, save a little bit !!
Enjoy your Christmas holidays !!!

Monday, 20 December 2010


Alumnes participants en el Projecte Bilateral d'Intercanvi amb Itàlia:

Us convoquem a la Reunió Informativa què tindrà lloc el Dimarts 21 de desembre a les 17:30 de la tarda. L'objectiu d'aquesta reunió és fer una introducció al Projecte Bilateral Comenius i començar a organitzar les tasques que s'han de realitzar per dur a terme aquest projecte.
Recordeu que heu de portar  l'autorització que us hem lliurat signada pel pare o la mare i que aquesta reunió és NOMÉS per alumnes.

DATA: 21 de desembre 2010
HORA: 17:30
LLOC: Aula 115

Us hi esperem !!

CU t+O