El nostre Projecte Bilateral Comenius “ P.I.C.A.R.O” ha estat seleccionat com a exemple de bones pràctiques a nivell estatal per part de la OAPEE, que és l’organisme que gestiona els Projectes educatius europeus. Això suposa que el Pau Vila ha estat present de manera gràfica i personal a la V Feria de Valorización celebrada a Madrid els dies 1 i 2 de desembre. Des de aquí volem expressar el nostre agraïment a totes les persones que d'una o altra forma han participat d'aquesta experiència ( alumnes, famílies, professors...). GRÀCIES !!!
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Friday, 30 September 2011
Reunió de preparació acollida
Benvolgudes famílies,
S'acosta el moment d'acollir els companys italians. Nosaltres ja fa dies que preparem diverses activitats amb els vostres fills, com ja sabeu molt bé. Si ens podeu ajudar, no dubteu a fer-nos-ho saber.
De cara a explicar-vos el programa d'activitats i visites i aclarir possibles dubtes, us convoquem a la Reunió informativa el proper dijous 6 d'octubre a les 19:00 h., a l'Aula d'Audivisuals. És important que hi ha assistiu algún membre de la família amb els vostres fills, sempre que sigui possible.
Restem a la vostra disposició,
Pilar Barniol i Carmen Espinar
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Thank you !!
Benvolgudes famílies,
Us agraïm la vostra assistència a la Intermezzo party. Ha estat molt gratificant per nosaltres observar com els vostres fills i filles compartien amb vosaltres l'experiència viscuda mitjançant la revisió del dossier de treball o el visionat de les fotos. Sou una part fonamental del Projecte i per això són essencials les vostres impressions i aportacions al mateix. Gràcies doncs per tota la informació que ens heu fet arribar a través del qüestionari. Finalment, tal com vam quedar, us deixem el Power Point que vam passar a la Reunió amb les fotos de la estada a Itàlia.
Passeu molt bon estiu !!!
Venice photos 2011
View more presentations from englishitaliapv
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Comenius Intermezzo party
Us informem que el proper Dilluns 27 de Juny celebrarem una "Intermezzo party". Es tracta d'una trobada per fer una valoració conjunta de la estada a Itàlia dels vostres fill, revisar el dossier de treball i les activitats realitzades tant a les classes extres com a Itàlia i anar preparant el terreny per la rebuda dels alumnes italians el curs vinent
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Lagoon Islands
Pau Vila's students
Do you remember your visit to the Lagoon Islands? What are their names? Each group has to work on one of the islands. Ask your teacher and answer the following questions:
1. A bit of history
2. Describe what you can see
3. Describe what people can do there.
Below, you will find some useful links and remember that you can also get useful information in your dossier..
Murano 1
Murano 2
Murano 3
Burano 1
Burano 2
Torcello 1
Torcello 2
Murano 1
Murano 2
Murano 3
Burano 1
Burano 2
Torcello 1
Torcello 2
Monday, 21 March 2011
Reunió Informativa

Com ja sabeu, les dates del viatge a Itàlia són del Dilluns 4 al Dimecres 13 d'abril, pel que el moment que tots esperem amb tanta il.lusió s'acosta cada cop més.
Per tal de planificar millor el viatge, aclarir dubtes i acabar de recollir la documentació necessària, us convoquem, a vosaltres i als vostres fills/es participants, a la reunió informativa del Dijous 24 de Març a les 19.00h, a l'aula 014.
Us hi esperem !
Thursday, 3 March 2011
In Carnivale ogni squerzo vale !!
Today we have had a special guest in our Thursdays' lesson. Her name is Serena and she is an English teacher from Italy who worked in Pau Vila some years ago. As Carnival has just begun in Venice, she has been talking about the most relevant traditions in Venice Carnival. One of these traditions consists on wearing the typical Venetian mask, the "Bauta".The bauta mask was worn by Venetians all year long. It was originally white or black and covered almost the entire face. It was very popular because it allowed the wearer to eat and drink without having to remove it. It has been a pleasure to count on Serena. Our students were delighted that she came. Some of them even have asked her to come back. THANK YOU very much, Serena !!! We are looking forward to seeing you again.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Thursday, 17 February 2011
How is Venice made ?
The last day in class, we were talking about how was Venice made, the different zones it was divided into (sestieri) and its shape. Below you can find a picture on it. Use it to colour your worksheet.
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Languages in Italy
In today's session we have dealt with the different languages spoken in Italy ( among them Catalan ) and the delights that attract million of travellers every year. At this point, we have to say that for our students " la pizza" and " il gelato" are two of these delights. Then, we have located some of the main Italian cities on a map. The second part of this session has been devoted to Italian language. Students have practiced the Italian alphabet and have learned their first words in this language. They have discovered that there are many similarities between Italian and Catalan language and, of course, some differences and "false friends". As a way of illustration, we can mention the word "macchina" that doesn't mean "machine" but "car" !! So after this session, our students know that Catalan is not only spoken in Catalonia and that "Ferrari è una macchina".
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Benvenuti !
Today we have started the extra lessons. Our students have answered some questions about their daily life and interests aimed at drawing up their personal profile and finding the right Italian partner for them. They were really excited. Some of them even doubted the number of rooms of their houses !! Then they have handed in their Christmas homework ( Power point ) and to our surprise we have checked that most of them had done it. Finally, "noi abbiamo iniziato la nostra prima lezione di lingua italiana ". Questo è tutto per oggi !! To be continued...
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